Latest Crossword Clues

LEILuau neckwear
TERMFour years, for a president
AMESIowa college town
SOSASammy who was the 1998 N.L. M.V.P.
PLOTParcel of land
HOLEOne of 18 on a golf course
WHIZCheez ___
RAFTSTravels through the Grand Canyon, say
ENWRAPBundle up
FEMALEOne with XX chromosomes
FLUFFYCommon cat name
LLAMASPack animals for 11-Downs
NUMBUnder the effects of Novocain
STOOLTavern seat

We started this site because we love crossword puzzles and almost all the other popular word games as well. Some of our favorite puzzles include the New York Times and The L.A. Times. We love word games like Scrabble and Text Twist as well. We'll add pages for those games soon. For now you can check out to unscramble words for those games specifically. is a Crossword Word and Clue Solver, Word Decoder, and Puzzle Solver. The whole purpose is to help others solve crosswords that can sometimes be particularly difficult. You just need to enter the letters you have so far for an answer or the specific clue you're searching. The Crossword Clue Finder will show you every word that we've found so far in the thousands of crossword puzzles we've reviewed that is related to your search. Click on the word to get more information like which puzzles have used a certain clue or answer.

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